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Robotic Legs

1. Title: Robotic Legs

2. Components:
i. A Servo Motors
ii. Controller board
iii. chassis (body of the robot)
iv. Free wheel dummy
v. A pair of shoes

3. Rating/Difficulty:5/5

4. Description: It is a Robotic Legs which walks like humans.

5. Concepts to Study: Structure and functioning of Human legs, Servo motor, gait pattern, self balancing

6. Procedure:
i. Assemble various parts of chassis.
ii. Mount servo motors.
iii. Connect all wires from motor to controller board.
iv. Burn test program.
v. Connect Battery and and perform testing.

NOTE: our robotic legs is build without any use of simulation software's.

7. Advantages:
i. simple chassis design
ii. Easy mounting of motors and its connection
iii. low weight

i. no use of sensor for better stability

i. Fabricating sleek chassis design
ii. upgrading to high torque servo motors
iii. Using simulation softwares
iii. Using IMU board
iv. Embedding haptic technology

10. Applications: Artificial legs for disabled people, Space exploration, R&D towards smart humanoid robots, etc.

11. Price:INR 25000/-

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Robotic Legs

Robotic Legs

Robotic Legs

Robotic Legs

Robotic Legs

Robotic Legs

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