Features of 8051
It is 8 bit Micro Controller
It has on chip oscillator and CLK generator circuit with operating frequency 12MHz.
It has on chip 4Kb ROM which can be expanded up to 64 kb.
It has 128 bytes of on chip RAM.
It has 4 register banks: bank 0, bank 1, bank 2, and bank 3. Each register bank consists of 8 register.
16 memory location of data memory are bit/byte addressable.
The data memory can be expanded up to 64kb.
It has 4 parallel I/O port: port0, port1, port2, port3. Each port is 8-bit directional I/O port. Each port is bit/byte addressable.
It has two 16 bit multi mode programmable timer/counter.
It has multi mode high speed programmable full duplex serial port.
It has 5 hardware interrupt: 3 internal interrupt and 2 external interrupt. All 5 interrupt are operated in two priority level.
It has on chip power saving circuit operated in two modes: 1. idle mode, 2. Power down mode.
It has 11 special function register.
It has 111 instructions, 64 instructions are single cycle.
It has on chip Boolean processor for single bit manipulation.
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