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Header File math.h

This is a Header file that contains some mathematical functions for performing particular operation.This header file must always be included before main function,if you want to make use of these functions in your program.

1) sqrt():

To find square root of a number.
Syntax: y=sqrt(x);

- x is known as an argument
- X can be constant, variable or expression
- Type of x should be double.
- Result too will be of double type.

2) pow():

Syntax: y=pow(x,n) --> y=xn

3) exp():

Syntax: y=exp(x,n) --> y=en where e=2.718

4) log():

Syntax: y=log(X) --> y= logeX

5) log10():

Syntax: y=log10(X) --> y= log10X

6) abs():

To find absolute value of an integer.
Syntax: y=abs(x) --> y=|x|
e.g. abs(-5)=5
abs(5) =5

7) fabs():

To find absolute value of a float number.
e.g. fabs(-1.2) =1.2
fabs(4.2) = 4.2

8) labs():

To find absolute value of long int.
e.g. labs(-81232) = 81232

9) ceil():

Tto find nearest integer value of x which is not less than x.
Syntax: y=ceil(x)
Where x=double type and the result is also of double type.
e.g. ceil(1.8) = 2.0
ceil(1.1) = 2.0
ceil(1.0) = 1.0
ceil(-1.8) = -1.0
ceil(-1.1) = -1.0

10) floor():

To find nearest integer value of x which is not greater than x.
Syntax: y=floor(x)
Where x=double type and the result is also of double type.
e.g. floor(1.8) = 1.0
floor(1.1) = 1.0
floor(1.0) = 1.0
floor(-1.8) =-2.0
floor(-1.1) =-2.0

11) Trigonometric functions:

Syntax: y=sin(x)
y=cos(x) x=radians only.

12) Hyperbolic functions:

Syntax: y=sinh(x)

13) Inverse Trigonometric functions:

Syntax: y=asin(x) --> sin-1x
y=acos(x) --> cos-1x
y=atan(x) --> tan-1x

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